
Monitors with diffrent resolution.

Frai7ty opened this issue · 8 comments

I currently have two monitors. My Primary is 21 by 9, 2560 by 1080. My other is 16 by 9, 1920 by 1080. I I move the bar to my 2nd monitor it sizes correctly if I set it for that monitor via Rainmeter, however all the popup windows render off screen. If I set their locations manually the reset on next interaction. This is even if I set them as located on the 2nd monitor.

I'm having the exact same problem 👍

this is because each time a popup is opened, the !setWindowPosition bang resets it's position, but this bang does not contain the @N monitor index specified about here... and thus, opens the popup in the primary monitor.

i am currently not in possession of a secondary monitor to reproduce this issue by myself, but i will try to fix it and release an update as soon as possible.

also just asking, can we get two bars with different res for each monitor? i rn have 3440x1440 and 2560x1440 and might need to install windows soon (hopefully not)

also very good stuff keep it up

@BANanaD3V thanks, chef :)

yes, you can achieve this by creating a clone of the skins/catppuccin folder with a slightly different name, from where you can then load the .ini using the manage window, then configure this secondary bar to your liking :3

also, an update: i finally got access to a secondary monitor. will start working on the fix as soon as possible :3

soo i've gotten somewhere, but need a few testers to help me see if it works... because it's a bit fucky in my own pc but i'm pretty confident that it's just a me issue... anyone up to volunteer? @Frai7ty @dangnhdev

if yes, i'd prefer you contact me on discord or we could continue here too

I'm game, sending you a msg now.