
top bottom left/right allignments for the bar?

XxnittanixX opened this issue · 1 comments

id like a button to throw the bar ether on the bottom top left or right side of my screen. a autohide feature.

ontop of that idlike to be able to rearange the modules.
could you set something up similar to polybar

left: appmenu, dock bar
center: music etc

the bar can be positioned in the top or bottom.
by left/right if you mean a vertical orientation, the bar does not have that option yet and it would require sort of a full rewrite lol

autohide tho... hmm, it wouldn't be too hard to add but i kinda don't want to because the bar isn't actually meant to be like a taskbar replacement or something. that's not it's first priority.

re-arrangement of the infos is possible, and a previously requested feature. i might look into implementing it when i get the time to... i don't wanna do it like polybar does it because it's inefficient. but i'll figure something out.
thanks for the suggestion :3