
Django 1.10 Unable to Save Filter

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Great lib!

I'm running Django 1.10 with Python3.5.

From my admin interface, I'm able to see the ADVANCED FILTER button. I can click it and it opens the interface, where I can enter a title, select fields etc. However, I cannot SAVE / SAVE & FILTER NOW! or "Add another Field". The only link that works is Cancel...

I've added 'easy_select2' to my installed_apps (something which isn't mentioned on this GitHub page, but is on the pypi page.

Hi @gbot300 ! Thank you for the issue.

I think you're experiencing the same issue mentioned in PR #42 . Can you try installing the package from develop branch to see if it resolves your issue?

Hi @asfaltboy

Right - I installed the "develop" branch using pip3

I run into this error now:

screenshot from 2017-04-28 17-38-43

Changing the first line in the advanced_filters.html template to
{% extends "admin/change_list.html" %}
solves the issue

The "Add Filter" pop-up now works, I can "save" and "save&filter". The "Add another filter" link doesn't work though. If, however, I edit filters from the Admin home once they have been created, I am able to add additional filters.

Thanks again for the great lib! I'll keep an eye on the development to see if these issues are resolved, but I can go on with what I have now.


That is odd. In your admin class, that mixes in AdminAdvancedFiltersMixin, do you override change_list_template by any chance?

OK - I for got to migrate after installing the new branch. The change_list_template is no longer an issue.
Adding additional filters from the pop-up also works now.

Now I'm getting TypeErrors (Related Field got invalid lookup: iexact) (also icontains) on foreign key filters. When adding Boolean filters, I get an error that the Value field must be filled in.

Haha, sorry man. I am not a great Django wizard - I represent the low end of the user base!

This seems to be my own issue with the way I list the foreign key relationships in the "advanced_filter_fields" in my Admin class.

The "is True" and "is False" for Boolean fields seems to be not saving correctly though.

No worries dude/dudette, you're the perfect test candidate!

I'm having this issue as well (1.10/2.7 in Safari). Anything I can do to help out with this?

@mgrdcm since #42 was merged, you could just install the develop branch from github instead of pypi. E.g

pip install

Let us know how the develop branch is working for you, it will be soon time for next release.

I'm going to close this issue, if this issue is not resolved in develop or other issues pop up, feel free to reopen 😊