Time window for the postfix autoreply
tonioo opened this issue · 2 comments
From @tonioo on December 4, 2013 15:30
Originally created by Patrick Hetu on 2012-04-17T19:15:46Z
I've coded an autoreply system base on django for our shared hosting infrastructure and since
Modoboa is much cooler and much more complet, I would like to add one feature to Modoboa
and then switch to it.
The feature would be to make it possible to specify a time window for autoreplies.
A use case could be: Sending an "away to lunch" message only during lunch time in the week.
It would requires to add python-dateutil as a dependency, updating the UI and migrating the database schema
and data.
If your agree, I will attach a patch to this ticket.
If you want to check to code that I'll be base on:
If you want more details on how I would do it just ask me.
Copied from original issue: modoboa/modoboa#247
Posted by Antoine Nguyen on 2012-04-18T20:21:12Z
I'm really interested by this feature. Adding a new dependency is not a problem, Python projects are built like that ;-)
If you experiment something, please do it using the mainline, not the last release. I've made huge changes for the next one (0.9) so don't waste your time with 0.8.8.
Just one question: would it be simpler to implement this feature using sieve rules ?
Posted by Antoine Nguyen on 2012-10-22T17:42:37Z
Hi Patrick,
no news from you about this feature. Are you still planning to add it?