
Root Folder Path INBOX

cnieswand opened this issue · 3 comments

In webmail all standard folders appear twice: Under Inbox and separate.
This is the same behaviour as if you do not set the root folder path in Outlook foe an IMAP Account … which you usually set to 'INBOX' …
If you do so (in Outlook or whatever client you use) and you create in webmail a folder NOT under Inbox, this folder is not visible in OUTLOOK.
So it seems to be as if the root folder path should be configurable for webmail as well ….

@cnieswand I'm not sure to understand the issue... Could you paste a screenshot or something similar please?

Sorry … ii's a German interface:


First of all: everything under "Eingang" = INBOX is NOT translated … the rest is translated to German.
The folder SOME is created via Webmail with Inbox as parent. It appears correctly in Outlook via IMAP with root folder path set to "INBOX". The folder TEST is created on the top level via Webmail (NOT with Inbox as root) … it is NOT visible in Outlook … which makes sense and is correct, because it only looks at anything which is below INBOX …
For a normal user this is confusing. I know where to create a folder so that it is visible in Outlook … but not everybody understands this behavior. And in other Webmail interfaces it is not like that ...

And … while I am writing … I switch back to webmail … and all translations are gone … and even the English is different: "Junk" instead of "Junk Mail" an so on.
With Exception of the selected folder … which remains translated.


On Edge, switching between tabs … same in Firefox while having Firefox in the background.
I have to refresh (F5) to get the translation back ….

For the Outlook problem:
You have to subscribe to the folder or you need to uncheck the checkbox to lost only subscribed folders.
You can get this dialog via right click on INBOX and selecting IMAP-Folders...


We also do have the problem with the incorrect translation in the webinterface. The folders that you have under INBOX are folders that a mail program created. The folders with the non folder icons are the ones coming from modoboa.

I looked a little bit into the source code and found out that the javascript that is updating the unread status is overwriting the translations that come from the python part.

If you load the page and wait for 300 seconds the translations are gone and the folders have the english names.