Pinned issues
- 2
- 1
Don't downloading forge
#3266 opened by solorune - 3
Not launching
#3241 opened by sammywammythewam - 6
Buttons On Modrinth Website Not Working
#3243 opened by UltimateModder - 4
remove the ads if its "open source"
#3290 opened by Evenios - 0
Schematics section
#3298 opened by Zac99LOL - 2
Server got suspended when i tried updating it
#3297 opened by Tarou456 - 0
- 0
Add Velocity and other custom jars.
#3295 opened by TheAusticCoder - 2
Add a Client or Server Filters to Instance Searches
#3294 opened by SolarRadn - 2
Unable to Log in to Modrinth Account on the Launcher
#3233 opened by MbtMarco - 1
- 1
Mods' page updates do not show up but still update.
#3276 opened by Gropinou - 4
- 3
- 0
Display Server Ping for Hosting Service
#3269 opened by SAntoineS - 0
Adding withdrawals via payoneer/other payment system.
#3268 opened by ITsMrToad - 3
Launcher broken after update.
#3263 opened by janilowski - 1
App trying to load a wrong version of lwjgl
#3264 opened by alexandremasanes - 0
Tremendous - Currency Exchange Feature Support.
#3260 opened by IMB11 - 2
Add "Supported Environments" to the API.
#3255 opened by ItsMitlit - 1
- 0
Shareable instances/profiles
#3259 opened by nervenes - 0
[BUG] Image insert tool goes off the page
#3257 opened by amnoah - 0
Incorrect Sha1 hash for download
#3254 opened by dehn87 - 1
modrinth login to the app
#3249 opened by randomusert - 0
Console Pop-Out
#3248 opened by Etanarvazac - 0
Instance project takes to user page of organazation name instead of organization page of organization name
#3247 opened by JetVolcano - 1
- 0
Java's automatic installation is not enabled by default
#3240 opened by MbtMarco - 0
Arcanus modpage fails to load (Error: 2067)
#3239 opened by User4716 - 0
App Doesn't open at all.
#3238 opened by mynameisseif - 1
[Website] Remember required projects from previous upload
#3208 opened by Lykrast - 0
[BUG] Incorrect text display
#3236 opened by nazarhktwitch - 0
[BUG] Java installation
#3235 opened by nazarhktwitch - 2
Since 0.93 SimpleVoiceChat mod keeps asking for Mic permissions and never works
#3232 opened by The-Network-Squirrel - 3
App does not open after checking for updates
#3226 opened by ashbit06 - 2
Annoying pop-up ads
#3224 opened by OwOLolCat - 2
Adware from Modrinth
#3227 opened by Molotov6844 - 1
Modrinth opens as root but for no other user
#3223 opened by lGrom - 1
Lack of spacing on profile settings causes confusion
#3218 opened by Erb3 - 0
New Biomes / Dimensions tag for mods
#3221 opened by Cleaner900playz - 0
Import from Vanilla Launcher
#3217 opened by iriscal - 0
Support for Datapack and Resource Pack variations
#3216 opened by Fire-Horse27 - 1
Multiple visual issues with cookie notice
#3214 opened by dgxo - 4
Removing/reducing the size of sidebar ads
#3212 opened by MbtMarco - 0
- 1
- 0
"Used by" analytics
#3206 opened by realRobotix - 0
PLZ Add a template to store publish metadata
#3202 opened by Grass-block