
Document Log Hashes for Library Events

joshuahannan opened this issue · 0 comments

What is it?

We need a record of all the log hashes for every event in all the libraries


In order to be able to access logs easily from web applications, logs need to be able to be retrieved easily by their log hashes.


Use testrpc to run libraries through all the events they can possibly emit and record the hashes of all the logs.

Steps to implement

every transaction has a list of logs that a transaction initiated.
index 0 of of the topics key is the hash of the event signature.

  • TokenLib
  • CrowdsaleLib
  • DirectCrowdsaleLib
  • InteractiveCrowdsaleLib
  • EvenDistroCrowdsaleLib
  • VestingLib
  • ArrayUtilsLib
  • WalletLib