
Combine breakpoints with threads

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Is it possible to combine breakpoints and threads? Ie. to have more than one thread defined for common breakpoints. Is so how should we use it?

  1. Is there a convention for defining threads with breakpoints?
  2. Is there a way to specify thread in ms-respond call?

Ok, for those wondering about this later. You can define whole separate configs, eg. $modular-scale-A, $modular-scale-B and refer to them in ms-respond using third param, eg. ms-respond(font-size, 1, $modular-scale-A);.

Did you figure this out @koko236 ? Breakpoints are types of threads so in a sense they are already combined. If you wish to change the thread per breakpoint you will have to specify the Sass map you wish to use as the 3rd argument in the mixin like you stated.

@scottkellum I think so. For each thread I made a separate config object each with the breakpoints defined and I pass appropriate one as the third parameter to the ms-respond() call. So the breakpoints are defined INSIDE each thread.