Adding dependency @adyen/adyen-web causes error in building shared package
Closed this issue · 4 comments
ddeliziact commented
I am build a remote component using this plugin. When I add as a dependency @adyen/adyen-web
(which should be part of the bundle) I get the following issue:
> vite build
vite v4.4.11 building for production...
✓ 4 modules transformed.
../../dist/client/index.html 0.36 kB │ gzip: 0.25 kB
../../dist/client/assets/index-f6effac0.js 0.75 kB │ gzip: 0.42 kB
INFO Building federation artefacts
✓ built in 53ms
INFO Preparing shared npm packages
NOTE This only needs to be done once, as results are cached
NOTE Skip packages you don't want to share in your federation config
ERR! Error bundling shared npm package
ERR! Invalid value for option "output.file" - when building multiple chunks, the "output.dir" option must be used, not "output.file". To inline dynamic imports, set the "inlineDynamicImports" option.
ERR! For more information, run in verbose mode
NOTE If you don't need this package, skip it in your federation.config.js!
This is the Vite configuration:
import { federation } from "@module-federation/vite";
import json from "@rollup/plugin-json";
import { createEsBuildAdapter } from "@softarc/native-federation-esbuild";
import { dirname, resolve } from "node:path";
import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url";
import { defineConfig } from "vite";
const path = dirname(fileURLToPath(new URL(import.meta.url)));
const root = resolve(path, "src/client");
const outDir = resolve(path, "dist/client");
export default defineConfig(async () => ({
plugins: [
await federation({
options: {
workspaceRoot: path,
outputPath: 'dist/client',
tsConfig: "tsconfig.json",
federationConfig: "module-federation/federation.config.cjs",
verbose: true,
dev: true,
adapter: createEsBuildAdapter({ plugins: [] }),
build: {
This is the federation.config.cjs
const {
} = require("@softarc/native-federation/build");
module.exports = withNativeFederation({
name: "mycomponent",
exposes: {
"./my-component": "./src/client/main.ts",
shared: shareAll(),
is just a simple function:
export function consoleLog(message: string) {
gioboa commented
Thanks for your report. Can you create a minimal reproduction repo pls?
ddeliziact commented
@gioboa I have uploaded the code in this repo
If you try to remove the dependency the build works correctly.
Furthermore I noticed that the the following properties in the vite configuration are not taken into account:
: If I change the name of the file it always tries to get the default onetsconfig.json
resulting in the following error:
error during build:
Error: Neither a tsconfig.json nor a tsconfig.base.json was found
: nothing changes if I use either true or false
gioboa commented
Thanks I will look at it