
Another shooting sound plays when a bullet hits an object

Closed this issue · 7 comments

The issue happens when you enter bullet time mode with this mod and start shooting. You'd notice that it plays another shooting sound upon impact. It gets pretty distracting and sometimes it just crashes the game but I am sure that's possibly just another mod conflict.

wow another mod with physical bullets i have to support. will be fixed whenever im free

strangely enough i can't replicate this issue. maybe it's a different mod conflict?

ive tested it with all my mods disabled except DWR and the bullet time mod and im sure its not a different mod conflict, if needed ill try to record a video of the issue

had to enable phys bullets for players lol
fixed in dev branch. will be in the next update

also if you were wondering why you were crashing lol. console output with bullet time on

had to enable phys bullets for players lol fixed in dev branch. will be in the next update

aight thank you dude