ConfirmRegister - errorPage
dancalder opened this issue · 4 comments
dancalder commented
the below function always send back to the home page ($id), not sure why this takes preference over $errorPage parameter.
public function redirectAfterFailure($id = null) {
$errorPage = (is_null($id)) ? $this->getProperty('errorPage', false, 'isset') : $id;
Jako commented
Maybe the errorPage system setting is pointing to the home page.
dancalder commented
yes it is but a different resource id is being passed in the snippet:
[[!ConfirmRegister? &redirectTo=`109` &authenticate=`0` &errorPage=`127`]]
Jako commented
I have checked/debugged the code. It works fine here. So maybe the resource 127 is not published or not visible for a not logged user.
Jako commented
Closed for lack of response.