
Quip uses modAction instead of namespace based routing (2.7+)

Mark-H opened this issue · 3 comments

[2019-01-14 16:15:35] (ERROR in modMenu::getSubMenus @ /core/model/modx/modmenu.class.php : 145) modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace quip to the routing based system.

smxi commented

This is basically the same issue, except a different class name is involved.

This error occurs in stopforumspam.class.php, line number below.

[2019-02-01 13:42:30] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ /modx-core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.

[2019-02-01 13:42:30] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ /modx-core/model/modx/rest/modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.

This should be relatively easy to correct.for anyone who knows the codebase.

grep -snR 'modRestClient' modx-core/ site/ | grep -v error.log
modx-core/components/quip/model/stopforumspam/stopforumspam.class.php:71:     * @return modRestClient/boolean
modx-core/components/quip/model/stopforumspam/stopforumspam.class.php:75:            $this->modx->getService('rest','rest.modRestClient

I have some kind of similar errors, when writing a new comment:

`[2019-03-16 12:53:25] (ERROR in xPDO::getService @ /core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 1234) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
[2019-03-16 12:53:25] (ERROR in modRestCurlClient::__construct @ /core/model/modx/rest/modrestcurlclient.class.php : 26) modRestClient::__construct is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Use the modRest classes instead.
[2019-03-16 12:53:25] (ERROR @ /core/components/quip/processors/web/comment/create.php : 209) [Quip] Moderator Notifications could not be sent for comment: Array
[id] => 7
[thread] => test-page
[parent] => 0
[rank] => 0000000007
[author] => 0
[createdon] => 2019-03-16 12:53:25
[editedon] =>
[approved] =>
[approvedon] =>
[approvedby] => 0
[name] => tester
[email] =>
[website] =>
[ip] => 2003:c5:3bd4:9f8f:785f:b314:1122:ac
[deleted] =>
[deletedon] =>
[deletedby] => 0
[resource] => 66
[idprefix] => qcom
[existing_params] => Array

[nospam] => 
[auth_nonce] => 
[preview_mode] => 
[comment] => KOMMENTAR TEST
[quip-post] => 1

On the quip-manager page I see a new comment has been written, but the comment itself always is "0". Also usually no mail gets sent to the admin, except once while wtiting some test comments.
When approving a comment it does not get shown on the corrspending website.

Is there a fix for these errors?

Do you have any update on this particular issue?
I am using quip ver. 2.3.5, and their is still the message in my error log:
"modAction support is deprecated since version 2.3.0. Support for modAction has been replaced with routing based on a namespace and action name. Please update the extra with the namespace quip to the routing based system."