
Template Variables have duplicate form label IDs

ricardo-lewis opened this issue · 3 comments

I have two sets of TVs, one is a group of 4 checkboxes, the other is a group of 4 radio buttons.

The MODX Manager is rendering the second set of form inputs as having the exact same IDs as the first.

This results in the first inputs being triggered by clicking on the labels of the second.

You can see below how the label of the radio will trigger the input of the checkbox.

From the first set:

<label class="checkbox"><input type="checkbox" value="dont-show-in-doc" id="tv_0" name="tv3[]"  onchange="documentDirty=true;" />Don't Show In Document</label>

From the second set:

<input type="radio" value="news" id="tv_0" name="tv32" checked="checked" onchange="documentDirty=true;" /><label for="tv_0" class="radio">News</label>

In my case it's pure coincidence that I had 2 groups of exactly 4 controls and the second set will trigger the first.

Yes this has been fixed with 94938d2 . Which version are you using?

I was under the impression that I was using the very latest 1.2.1 release

I can see the fix was not included in the release