The calculator app build using the React, Lumen, Photon, Docker
Make sure you have installed the docker and docker-compose before using this application you can find the guide here
*clone the project from git
git clone
go to api folder and create env file, copy content from .env.example and update
got app edit .env and update the ip for app
go to project root directory and run the command
docker-compose -f build
- run the containers
docker-compose -f up -d
- open your favorite brower and paste the follwoing url
- for api use the following url
# API to calcualte
POST: http://{hostip}:8088/calculate
params: {
operand1: required,
operand2: required,
operator: required // +,-,/,*,%,√,3√,xy,x!
# API for reports
# note: please use the encodeURI for operators
params: {
interval: required // daily, weekly, monthly
operator: required // +,-,/,*,%,√,3√,xy,x!
page: optional
- for jenkins
- reterive the jenkins key from logs and paste. Next continue with recommended plugins and ccreate a user. Verify your url thats it.
you are ready to create pipe lines for build and deployments.
Please check the demo
There is alot of space for the imporvements