Nullable Microsoft.OData.Edm.Date
LarsBauer opened this issue · 5 comments
LarsBauer commented
is there are specific reason why nullable Microsoft.OData.Edm.Date
is not implemented?
If I understand your source correctly this should just be a small change in OData2PocoLib/Helper.cs
/// <summary>
/// Nullable DataType
/// </summary>
public static readonly Dictionary<string, string> NullableDataTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"object" , ""},
{"string" , ""},
{"bool" , "?"},
{"byte" , "?"},
{"char" , "?"},
{"decimal" , "?"},
{"double" , "?"},
{"short" , "?"},
{"int" , "?"},
{"long" , "?"},
{"sbyte" , "?"},
{"float" , "?"},
{"ushort" , "?"},
{"uint" , "?"},
{"ulong" , "?"},
{"void" , "?"},
////Nullable DateTime issue #3 , included in v2.3.0
{"DateTime","?" },
{"DateTimeOffset","?" },
{"TimeSpan","?" },
{"Guid","?" },
Can I provide a pull request for this feature?
Thanks in advance!
moh-hassan commented
Thanks for suggestion.
You can provide PR and nice to add also Microsoft.OData.Edm.DateTimeOffset
LarsBauer commented
Thanks for the quick response.
I just opened the PR. The type Microsoft.OData.Edm.DateTimeOffset
does not exist. I think it gets resolved to regular DateTimeOffset
moh-hassan commented
Ok, thanks
LarsBauer commented
Hey, any plans to merge my PR?
moh-hassan commented
Hi @LarsBauer
PR is merged and a new package v3.4.2 is available.