
How to implements this when models are in the models directory?

omarherri opened this issue · 2 comments

My models are in App\models directory.
So my question is shoud i use that namespace App\EloquentFilters\User?
Another question for exemple i have a fliter named AgeMoreThan, so i should create an AgeMoreThanFilter.php file in EloquentFilters and apply my filter ?

I'm asking this because it throws Not found the filter.

The default namespace is App\EloquentFilters for all models.

If you want to make the filters on User model, you should create a new directory in app named EloquentFilters and create new directory named User inside EloquentFilters.

The result should like this:

├── Console
│   └── Kernel.php
├── EloquentFilters
│   └── User
│       ├── AgeMoreThanFilter.php
│       └── GenderFilter.php // another filter
├── Exceptions
│   └── Handler.php

I suggest read this article .

Feel free for any question.

@mohammad-fouladgar ohh i get it now, thank you a lot for your help it's awesome.