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Rebuild pod controller

This service is a controller service making sure we always have a certain number of hot pods running and listening to the queues. Ready to get a file for processing.

Steps of processing

When it starts

  • It will start an amount of pods
  • It will monitor their status and in case one of them get completed it triggers a new one


These environment variables are needed by the service

  • POD_COUNT : Count of pods to start
  • MINIO_USER : Minio access key
  • MINIO_PASSWORD : Minio access secret

Docker build

  • To build the docker image
docker build -t <docker_image_name> .

Testing steps

  • Log in to the VM
  • Make sure that all the pods are running
kubectl  -n icap-adaptation get pods
  • To test, just try to rebuild a file, a rebuild pod will pick it up and a new one should be created

During the test review the pods logs (icap-server, adaptation-service, any rebuild pods)

Rebuild flow to implement
