
[feature request] contribution guide

SKalt opened this issue · 7 comments

SKalt commented

Adding a guide on how to contribute missing nodes or edges would be helpful. Is the correct procedure adding the new compilers to and re-generating ./js/compilers.js?

@SKalt please review #14, whose aims include addressing this need. I am also curious about the "re-generating ./js/compilers.js" step, though -- hopefully @mohd-akram can clarify that point.

Well, right now it's treated like the other libraries in the repo (eg. cytoscape), updated every now and then. I had removed the generated JS file in the compilers repo to make PRs easier there, otherwise I'd link to it in the script tag.

SKalt commented

@waldyrious, #14 does close this. How to manage The periodic updates remains unclear, but now falls under dependency management. I'd recommend adopting either npm or yarn so you can npm install --save That would require adopting a bundler, which I could help with.

For what it's worth, at tldr-pages we use Travis to automatically make commits to another repo that keeps an archive of all the commands in the original repo, as soon as any commits is merged in. To see how we set it up, check the travis.yml file and the script it calls to do that.

Something like that could certainly be adapted to work here, so that no manual work (by contributors and maintainers alike) would be necessary :) what do you guys think?

SKalt commented

Any thoughts on git subtree and git submodule to manage the other repo as a dependency?

They certainly would work, as would build tools like those you mentioned; but neither would be automatic, "no work required", which for the purposes of this demo I think would be preferable.

SKalt commented

I agree they'd be more work, at least for now. I'm still wrestling with automating git sub(tree|module) to coordinate two apps and a library for work. Hopefully I'll get that done and be able to disagree in the future :)