
Default arguments transform is not equivalent

osuushi opened this issue · 2 comments


function example (x) {
  x = x || 1;
  return x;

example(0); // --> 1

But the transformed version:

function example(x=1) {
  return x;

example(0); // --> 0

This same issue also applies to the transform for a = a ? a : 1

nene commented

That's true. That's one of the several corner cases where Lebab goes wrong. It's simply following heuristics, and these aren't 100% reliable.

We could exclude these two patterns from the transform, but that would make the transform pretty useless - while x = x || 1 is quite common pattern, x = x === undefined ? x : 1 is pretty rare one.

I guess the best I can do is to link this issue from the main page, similarly to #107, to make people more aware of the potential pitfalls.

nene commented

Thanks for bringing this up.

I've restructured README to emphasize which transforms are "safe" and which are "unsafe", like this default-param transform.