
120 rerenders when I wrap my component in copilot.

davidfloegel opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi there,

so sorry for not using the template but this is more a question than anything.

I'm using the copilot HOC as described in the README.
However, when I do that my component re-renders anywhere between 107 and 120 times every single time I call it..

I'm using start() and I'm calling that on mount. (incase that's important to know)

That doesn't seem very performant and also blocks up my entire UI thread and slows down animations. Is there any way around or to change that?


We're using this library and have noticed dips in performance. I'll check to see if I get the same results.

@davidfloegel Me also facing same issue after the initial rendering and tap on next button. All walkthroughable (View) re-render.
Please check the video @pribeh when i'm tapping on Header things all icon looks like re-render. if i remove that walkthroughable view then everything working fine.