
No component found for view with name “ARTShape”

juangallo opened this issue · 10 comments

Library is not working.
I have followed all the guide yet, the error is still there.
Any clues?
screen shot 2017-10-30 at 6 34 28 pm
screen shot 2017-10-30 at 6 53 12 pm

Make sure you correctly link the library, and then run react-native run-ios


I'm same.
Build & Running in xcode, not "react-native run-ios".
After first running, "react-native run-ios" also work.


@paraya , you was right! I builded with xCode and then react-native run-ios began to work correctly! Thanks!

After linking the library in Xcode and then running react-native run-ios it worked for me.

I drag and dropped node_modules/react-native/Libraries/ART/ART.xcodeproj somewhere to my Xcode project. After that I was able to add libART.a under Build Phases -> Link Binary With Libraries


HRCJ7 commented

@paraya Thank You.Saved my day <3