
Click extension icon to move tab to the far right?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Dear @mohnish,

Your work on this extension is very much appreciated!

I have a request.

Would you be able to implement a feature by which clicking the extension icon would move the active tab to the far right?


@mohnish any update on this? :-)

Maybe it could even be a more generic option. Choose which keyboard should get triggered upon clicking the extension icon.

What do you think?


@orschiro You can currently configure your keyboard shortcut to do that chrome://extensions/shortcuts. But, I'm afraid clicking on the icon can't be supported. This is because, it's hard to convey to the user which action is going to be performed upon clicking the rearrange tabs icon from the toolbar. I feel like configuring a custom shortcut to achieve that is a better option for now.

This is because, it's hard to convey to the user which action is going to be performed upon clicking the rearrange tabs icon

What if the user can define this in the options?

I for example like having both. A custom keyboard shortcut and the ability to click the extension icon. :-)

Maybe others too?