
🤖 A JavaScript framework for building conversational UIs

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A JavaScript framework for creating conversational UIs.

Main Site - Read Docs - Examples - 🪄 Quickstart

Showcase 🎇✨

We are listing all the cool projects that people are building with BotUI, here. See others' and add yours!

🚨 Note

This version is using a completely different approach for building UIs. Do not use it as a drop-in replacement for the previous version. If you want to use the previous (vue-only) approach, install the 0.3.9 version: npm i botui@0.3.9.

Quick look



npm i botui @botui/react

Example usage in React

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { createRoot } from 'react-dom/client'

import { createBot } from 'botui'
import { BotUI, BotUIMessageList, BotUIAction } from '@botui/react'

const myBot = createBot()
<div id="botui-app"></div>
const App = () => {

  useEffect(() => {
      .wait({ waitTime: 1000 })
      .then(() => myBot.message.add({ text: 'hello, what is your name?' }))
      .then(() => myBot.action.set(
            options: [
              { label: 'John', value: 'john' },
              { label: 'Jane', value: 'jane' },
          { actionType: 'select' }
      .then((data) => myBot.message.add({ text: `nice to meet you ${data.selected.label}` }))
  }, [])

  return <div>
    <BotUI bot={myBot}>
      <BotUIMessageList />
      <BotUIAction />

const containerElement = document.getElementById('botui-app')
const root = createRoot(containerElement)
root.render(<App />)


MIT License - Copyrights (c) 2017-23 - Moin Uddin