
github release missing for 2.0.0b1

ThomasWaldmann opened this issue · 2 comments

Installing gpg on Windows was rather confusing. I seem to have lost my secret key. Do I just create a new one or try to reload the old one?

(moin-venv-python) C:\GIT\moin\dist>gpg --detach-sign -a moin-2.0.0b1.tar.gz
gpg: no default secret key: No secret key
gpg: signing failed: No secret key

The problem is there are 2 versions of gpg.exe installed on my Windows:

C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe is version 2.4.4
C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\gpg.exe is version 2.2.41

The older version works, easiest way to access it is to use Git-Bash.

PowerShell runs newer version 2.4.4, cannot find a command to load the secret key.