
CLI doesn't work properly on Windows

SaddemAmine opened this issue · 2 comments

    err = new Error(msg);

Error: Command failed: rm -rf .git
    at checkExecSyncError (node:child_process:826:11)
    at execSync (node:child_process:900:15)
    at C:\User\AppData\Local\npm-cache\_npx\2198dfff2919e4a1\node_modules\pbandj\dist\cli.cjs:36029:37
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5) {
  status: 1,
  signal: null,
  output: [ null, null, null ],
  pid: 11288,
  stdout: null,
  stderr: null

I'm guessing this should be a quick fix

I have a windows machine and it all seems to be working fine for me... Are you still seeing this issue? Can you share more of the stack trace? Try running the CLI with admin permissions in the terminal, it could be you're trying to initialise a new project in a protected folder.

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