
Implemented client server architecture on Linux system using UNIX APIs. Server would connect to multiple clients through socket and service their requests.

Primary LanguageC++

Abdul Moiz Siraj

running server:

1. open terminal in the directory where server.ccp is stored.
2. type ---- g++ -pthread -o s server.cpp ---- and enter, this would compile the code and generate a s.out file.
3. type ---- ./s ---- and enter, this would run the file and start the server.
4. server would give ip and port number for clients to connect.

running client:

1. open terminal in the directory where client.ccp is stored.
2. type ---- g++ -pthread -o c client.cpp ---- and enter, this would compile the code and generate a c.out file.
3. type ---- ./c <server ip> <server port> ---- and enter, this would run the file and start the client.

server commands:

1. print <client ip> <message> ---- sends and prints prints message to the client specified by the ip.
2. print2all <message> ---- sends and prints message to all the active clients.
3. clients ---- gives the list of all the clients.
4. list ---- gives the list of processes run by active clients.
5. exit ---- closes the server, all active clients and processes that were run by them.

client commands:

1. add <integers separated by spaces> ---- gives the sum of all the numbers.
2. sub <integers separated by spaces> ---- 
3. mul <integers separated by spaces> ---- gives the product of all the numbers.
4. div <integers separated by spaces> ---- 
5. run <process name> ---- runs given process on the server.
6. run <process name> <file name> ---- runs given file on the given process on the server (if file exists it will open if not a file of that name will be created on server).
7. kill <pid> ---- kills the process with given pid.
8. kill <process name> ---- kiils the first running instance of the given process name.
9. print <message> ---- sends and prints message to the server.
10. exit ---- exits the client and kills all the running processes that the client has run on the server