
Many broken links in contributor guidelines

ChrisKeefe opened this issue · 4 comments

In addition to the broken link on the wiki referenced in #147, this repository has many broken links in the source code (at least 30, according to an automated search). After finding and correcting a few in the contributor guidelines, I believe there is a pattern here of renaming/re-organizing files without updating links with global find/replace.

  • In the short term, the broken links should be fixed.
  • In order to prevent reversions, a CI process should probably be run on all new PRs (or on a cron job if preferable to the maintainers) to catch breakages.

I'd be happy to take a stab at this as a hacktoberfest contribution, if you're interested. Unless I hear back to the contrary, I'll open separate PRs for the broken link revisions and the CI workflow, so one can be adopted without the other if necessary.

This would be a great addition! Thanks.

@all-contributors please add @ChrisKeefe for bug, infra, code