
Known issues section for FLINT installation.

shloka-gupta opened this issue · 3 comments

The issue:
While setting up FLINT people face general issues.
Most of these issues occur regularly and get solved on slack. This leads to the solution getting lost over time.


A known issues / FAQ section.
As and when a new person setting up the FLINT faces an issue they can be directed towards this section.

Whenever a newcomer faces an issue and visits this section there are going to be two possibilities:

  1. The issue they are facing exists in the section with the solution - This will solve their problem.
  2. The issue they are facing is not present in the section. - The person facing the issue can add the issue and solution to the section once it gets solved on slack.

@sarahhaggarty, @shubhamkarande13, and @HarshCasper
Do let me know your opinions.
And, also the standard name for this section? I think I have got the name wrong.

Hi @chicken-biryani, great idea! What about calling it a "Troubleshooting" section? This can include a FAQ. I think it would be best if known issues were maintained and managed as issues on Github rather than in a Docs section. Then a reader can consult the Github known issues to see if what they are facing is there. If it isn't, they can create a new issue for investigation. What do you think?

@sarahhaggarty Makes sense. 😄