
Remove some/all "Works As Intended" links

Opened this issue · 0 comments

Based on this review comment.

The "Works As Intended" messages for all projects currently link to the version history wiki articles and /r/minecraftsuggestions:

[Full Version History|] -- [Snapshot Version History|] -- [Feature Requests and Suggestions|]

The quick links already link to for suggestions so the /r/minecraftsuggestions link might be redundant.

  1. Should the link to /r/minecraftsuggestions be removed from the "Works As Intended" messages?
    1.1 And should the quicklinks include a link to /r/minecraftsuggestions instead?
  2. Should the version history links be removed (as suggested here by @violine1101) because they might not be that helpful?
  3. Should the /r/minecraftsuggestions link of the "Feature request" message be removed as well?