
Combine messages 'contact-support' (MCPE) and 'account-issue'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

For MCPE there are currently two messages for account issues:

- project: mcpe
name: Contact Support
shortcut: support
message: |-
*Thank you for your report!*
However, this issue is {color:#FF5722}*Invalid*{color}.
As this is an issue with your account or billing, you will need to contact [Mojang Customer Support|] directly.

account-issue (used for other projects as well):
- project:
- bds
- mc
- mcd
- mcl
- mcpe
- realms
- web
name: Account issue
shortcut: acc
message: |-
*Thank you for your report!*
However, this issue is {color:#FF5722}*Invalid*{color}.
This is an account issue. We do not have the tools to help you on this tracker.
Please contact the *[Customer Support|]*.

Maybe it would make sense to remove the MCPE specific contact-support message and include the following in account-issue:

  • Also for billing
  • Use "Mojang Customer Support" instead of only "Customer Support" (see also #93)?

In case this gets resolved before #93, I think we should keep Customer Support, as that's what we usually use.

Other than that, I see no reason to have them seperated, as billing issues are always for Customer Support, not just in mcpe.

It would be clearer if this were labeled as either "Customer Support" or "Mojang Support" in the selection list to more clearly distinguish it from "Technical Support Issue" (which could be shortened to just "Technical Support").