
Add "Arisa" project for messages that are usually only used by Arisa.

Opened this issue · 4 comments

This will shorten the selection list for the other projects.

@SPGoding pinging you since you implemented these things over on Arisa.
If I understand correctly, currently this is not possible, as Arisa always looks for the correct message depending on the project. I think it would be good to create a mirror of this issue on the Arisa project to highlight the changes that would be needed on Arisa's side.

Alternatively instead of changing Arisa to look in another "project", we could have a way to simply exclude the Arisa-only messages from the selection list.

Several messages are present in the messages.yml file that are not shown in the dropdown. This is achieved by adding hidden: true to their definition. It appears as if you made this issue after this feature was implemented (June 20, 2020), however. Has this since been resolved?

Yeah this is already a thing now. For example, the "I am a bot" message is hidden from the selection list. Do you think there are other messages that should be hidden?