
Support for reporting new extenions versions

obfischer opened this issue · 11 comments

The Maven Versions Plugin already supports the reporting of new plugin versions (versions:plugin-updates-report) and new versions of dependencies (versions:dependency-updates-report).

If not already supported, please enhence the Maven Versions Plugin also to report new versions of Maven extensions.

I would like to provide a patch for this feature request.

famod commented

@obfischer have you ever gotten round to implementing this?

@famod doesn't look like it

50 open pull requests :(

Okay, I can do it.

Will do this in stages. First - display-extension-updates.

theit commented

@ajarmoniuk Are there any news on this issue? I've seen your commits, and they look very promising (at least to me) :-)

No news, the PR is waiting to be merged.

theit commented

Is there help needed with something?

I don't think so. From what I can gather, Sławek (the main maintainer) is currently quite busy with Maven 4-related issues.

theit commented

Ok, thanks. Have you seen my comment on your latest commit?

Can't see any comment. Let me check from the browser and not the app...