
Limit mentions per page?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

While repetition is part of the concept, Kontext might become too repetitive on certain pages. Maybe limiting mentions of a context per page is feasible?

I think it would be good to bring each quote only once or twice on a side.

Maybe at the first and the last occurrence, instead of at the first few.

First and last does not really work since often the first occurence is the title tag or something similar. I am not sure what is best since part of the concept is the repition. Pro version would be to make the amount customizable ;)

The title tag wouldn't be included, as it is not represented as a DOM node.
One approach would be to collect all the occurrences of a name, randomly select a few (fixed maximum number) of them and apply the context only to them.

Fixed. Can be adjusted in the settings.