Sometimes boosts/retweets do not work
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Not sure if someone else has noticed – but sometimes it seems impossible to boost or retweet. Trying that on the timeline then just opens the message, and trying there simply shows no reaction at all. Found no regularities, so I cannot tell how to reproduce.
Probably it happens when the tweet has removed or the tweet has already favorited or retweeted but twitlatte do not show it so.
I am thinking the best way to resolve it.
@moko256 Then I find it strange how I can boost a toot afterwards using a different client (cannot tell for Twitter as I didn't try for those, but with Mastodon I usually have the WebIf open on my PC). If any of the conditions you named were met, that shouldn't be possible. So it must be something different.
I'll keep my eyes open if I see a connection (something those non-boostable toots have in common but don't share with the others). I also just updated to the latest version right after I opened this issue (somehow on that device F-Droid failed to notify me about updates for a while), so maybe it was even already solved as a side-effect to something else.
Short update: with the latest version I now was able to boost/retweet posts (one each) which I wasn't able to do yesterday. In one case (Mastodon) it worked straight from the timeline, in the other (Twitter) it brought me to the post itself first and I could retweet from there. I'll keep watching it.
Another update: it seems mostly to affect "quoted tweets" (replies?) – just had another one of those. Funnily, a second one of the same kind from the same person I could retweet – and after that, also the one failing on the first try. Quite confusing.
Just noted another detail: most of the tweets having this issue are from the same person. Just had it again for multiple tweets. The client used "on the other end" is "Tweetbot for iOS". If you need a tweet to look at: @Senficon
(Julia Reda, member of the EU parliament – topic might rarely affect you in JP, though interesting to read).
Tried the same 2 posts again after a reboot, nada. Now another retweet came in from her which I wanted to share – again no chance: it was opened when I touched the retweet button. Original message written with Tweetdeck was opened. Still couldn't retweet. After opening and closing it a few times, then suddenly I was able to retweet it from the timeline (???) And guess what: like the last time, after that I was able to retweet the previous 2 tweets as well (with the number of retweets increasing by more than 1, if that's relevant).
If you have any ideas what I could try, they are very welcome.