
Storage exception on large profiles

Closed this issue · 3 comments

My profile has a reasonably large number of artists (12000) which seems to be about the limit of Google Chrome's storage limit (which I think is 10MB):

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to set the 'countryCountObj' property on 'Storage': Setting the value of 'countryCountObj' exceeded the quota.

Storing the data in a less verbose way will help (one hack I found was removing the image meta data in countryCountObj - see c91c8e2), but catching the error and displaying a prompt is probably the way to go.

mold commented

Yo Mike! Better late than never - I just pushed a change that could solve this, replacing localStorage with localForage, which uses IndexedDB or AsyncStorage or whatever is best. It should give you some extra MB's to work with. Please try it out!

mold commented

Dude, you did it. 210/210!


Oh wow, big kudos for looking at this! It is loading fine now and also the cache seems to now work, which is a bonus. localForage looks like a useful tool.

And yes my goal for 2019 was to tick off every country. 💯