What do you mean(how do i do this) by cd into the files you downloaded from from this repo.. using cd DankMemer-Farmer?
troyjvv opened this issue · 1 comments
troyjvv commented
What do you mean(how do i do this) by cd into the files you downloaded from from this repo.. using cd DankMemer-Farmer?
moleium commented
cd is a command to change the current directory you are in.
If you are in a directory with 2 directories inside, the first one is "test1" and the second is "test2", if you wanted to change the current directory to test1 (enter it) you should use cd (directory name)
in this situation it's cd test1
If you wanna cd into Dankmemer Bot file, you gotta download the files in this repository and unzip it, after that copy it's path and open cmd and type cd your/path/here