
:wave: Greetings for over 3000 languages and dialects as an NPM package. Don't ask me why.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Evenin' npm version

Detect, search and list general greetings for a large amount of languages.


$ npm install --save evenin


const greetings = require("evenin");

// Check if a string contains a greeting:
greetings.hasGreeting("Hello, world!");
//=> true
greetings.hasGreeting("Goodbye, world!");
//=> false

// Check if a string _is_ a greeting:
//=> true
//=> false

// Look up a specific greeting across all languages:
//=> [ { phrase: 'Hello',
//     explanation: 'formal greeting',
//     language:
//      { name: 'English',
//        url: 'http://www-01.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=eng',
//        location: 'United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, various other countries.',
//        greetings: [Array] } },
//   { phrase: 'Hello',
//     explanation: 'general greeting',
//     language:
//      { name: 'Guyanese Creole',
//        url: 'http://www-01.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=gyn',
//        location: 'Guyana.',
//        greetings: [Array] } },
//   { phrase: 'Hello',
//     explanation: 'general greeting',
//     language:
//      { name: 'Malay, Central',
//        url: 'http://www-01.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=pse',
//        location: 'Indonesia: Sumatra.',
//        greetings: [Array] } } ]

// Look up all greetings starting with the specified prefix:
//=> [ { phrase: 'G\'day',
//     explanation: 'general greeting used in some parts of Australia [eng-aus]',
//     language:
//      { name: 'English',
//        url: 'http://www-01.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=eng',
//        location: 'United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, various other countries.',
//        greetings: [Array] } } ]

// Find information on a language and all greetings logged for that language:
//=> { name: 'English',
//   url: 'http://www-01.sil.org/iso639-3/documentation.asp?id=eng',
//   location: 'United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia, various other countries.',
//   greetings:
//    [ { phrase: 'Hello', explanation: 'formal greeting' },
//      { phrase: 'Hi', explanation: 'informal greeting' },
//      ...
//    ] }


This project is largely a joke and hasn't really been tested. If you run into a problem, feel free to make an issue though. I'd be interested to see if people have an actual use for this. All the greetings are from Jennifer's Language Page which is honestly an amazing resource.


MIT © Thijs Molendijk (molenzwiebel)