
Question- Login

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What I am trying to solve:
The user experience is a blog app, inspired by the ~2000s iCarly website, where users can add blogs with videos, emojis, and comments. Users can also login, which is what I've been trying to solve, among other things, for three days.

Detailed description of problem:
I've been trying to code a user login feature in react all weekend and day today and am finally making some progress. I went to office hours Saturday and Sunday. The issue was I was mixing html files when I should have been using .jsx. I found some helpful documentation finally that's helping me code (hopefully) login features in React.

Essentially, I'm just really unclear about one paragraph in the documentation (link: Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at 3 53 06 PM

Where would I link src/App.jsx? In a route? I'm also unsure where and how to link the ClientID, though I think I know WHAT they are talking about (see below).

Screen Shot 2020-10-05 at 3 55 58 PM

List everything you've tried:
I have referenced the "Birds" example as well as the "Fruits" authorization example from class. I also signed up for a client that helps you authenticate an app in React using node and have found their documentation helpful.

Would you mind helping me clarify where to link the App.jsx file and establish how to link the ClientID so that I can move forward with the login authentication process?