
remove old code from rust sdk

Closed this issue · 4 comments

  • Remove old SDK code from Rust SDK
    • Ensure all commands from old SDK are present in new one
    • Ensure any services/clients from old SDK are present in new one
  • Restructure project around new SDK

The following commands are present in the old SDK but not the new one:

  1. Signing key commands: create signing key, list signing keys, revoke signing key
  2. Scalar commands: get with compression, set with compression
  3. List commands: push front/back, set (alias to concatenate), erase/erase many

Decisions on the commands in the old SDK but not the new:

  • Signing key commands - still needed for the CLI. Can fast follow in new SDK.
  • A user that needs the compression scalar commands can add them on demand.
  • The remaining list commands are uncommon and we will not port for now.

The old SDK supports operations on:

  • cache
  • signing keys

The new SDK has a cache client and topics client. The new SDK lacks signing key commands.

Remove old code from SDK: #265

Follow up to update the CLI with the new pattern: