BUG Petite and sextodecimo not working
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Malamishka from the discord:
Anyone else having issues with the imposer? I'm trying to do a sextodecimo but Chrome and Firefox keep giving me error messages or just don't generate anything. Last night Microsoft Edge worked, but isn't anymore.
Thanks! Rebooted, cleared cache, tested with a different folio typeset (that worked).
But I can't get the Petite/sextodecimo to work...
Sextodecimo is greyed out, and when I select Petite it says there's 0 pages in the Signature Info section
It'll just generate an empty zip file
Hmm, so I currently have it on sexto but nothing will generate. It'll be generating for a bit then stop without producing anything
Was a problem with the document, not the imposer - both imposer options worked fine on a different typeset file on the same computer