
Copy Paste doesn't work correctly (IE11)

Closed this issue · 11 comments

Here is a plunker:

When I'm trying to paste value from cliporboard - value is not updated correctly.

What does 'not correctly' mean? Doesn't it update at all? or is different value pasted?

If text editor is empty and I'm trying to paste some text (e.g. "test1") - text is successfully pasted in editor but "contentOne" field value is empty string.
When trying to paste text one more time - text in editor becomes "test1test1" but "contentOne" contains only "test1" text.

Does it happen only with IE11?
It seems to work fine with the latest Chrome and Safari

As I mentioned in description reproduced in IE11. Issue is not reproducible in Chrome

Ok. Actually, I don't have Windows pc, so give me a few days to check.

Please let me know if you need more information. Will be waiting for solution. Thanks.

Are there any updates regarding this issue?

I'm having the same problem (seems to be a crossbrowser problem). Just tested in Chrome with your demo project the second wysiwyg.

(ctrl + v) -> no event
(ctrl + a) + del -> no event
(ctrl + a) + backspace -> no event
(ctrl + a) + space -> no event
(ctrl + a) + <anykey> -> no event

Ok. Let me fix this issue tonight.

@PitPanda1 can you check if it works now?
@svitlanaAntoniuk I didn't get windows pc yet, but can you check whether the problem still exists?

Hey, yes it seems to work now. 👍