
Facing issue while using in Ionic 2

Closed this issue · 7 comments

This seems to be clean & neat rich text editor component.
I would like to use in ionic 2. But, I am facing issues.

'trumbowyg' is not a known element

Kindly Let me know, how can we use this.


I just tested and it works with Ionic 3
Maybe it's because you didn't import TrumbowygModule.

First, I would like to thank you for immediate response.

All of a sudden!!!, it worked neatly today.

  1. Just created new sample tab ionic app.
  2. npm install ng2-lazy-trumbowyg --save
  3. import in app.module.ts
  4. Insterted the <trumbowyg liveUpdate="true" [initialContent]="initialContentTwo" [options]="options2" (savedContent)="contentTwo=$event"> </trumbowyg> in home template.
  5. declaring the values for options & initialContent in home ts file.

Worked perfectly today.
I m confused, why i got the errors yesterday, where i followed same steps couple of times.

Thank you and good to know that it works now.


Need below clarification.

<trumbowyg liveUpdate="true" [initialContent]="this.varname" [options]="optionsval" >

How to update the value of "varname". & how to trigger the method during value change.

savedContent is used to update the value.

I would like to trigger method during onchange [ie., while editing] in text editor. What is the possibility.

Why are you trying to change initialContent which is varname in you case? It's just an initial string. You can do this

<trumbowyg liveUpdate="true" 
<div [innerHTML]="content"></div>

convertThisToThat(ev) {
    this.content = ev.replace(/This/gi, 'That');

or use pipe

<div [innerHTML]="content | highlight: 'title'"></div> //'title' text will be highlighted

Thanks for the inputs. Its very useful.