This work is built for enhancement of Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) images. The images taken in this field are of low quality due to limitations of retinal imagery in prematurity. Observing the retina for its abnormal surfaces and vascular appearances is important for retinopathy diagnosis.
This project utilizes a deep learning model to configure the filters and parameters needed for enhancing the image. It first calculates some metrics (mode intensity, frequency average, standard deviation, ...) based on pixel values, then these values are given to a shallow neural net (simple 2 layers 150 neurons for example). The output of the network is brightness, contrast, denoise, ... values that are then used to edit the image.
This is script runs a flask based web GUI for the model. It uses ONNX model file, no need to install torch for this, it is lightweight and simple.
You can use this script to directly try out the model on the command line. It receives ONNX and JPG, outputs the enhanced image.
This file is for training the model and outputing the ONNX. I have included the onnx for demo so no need to train if you just want to try it out.
The script expects a COCO style JSON of the resulting brightness, contrast, etc values (included my JSON as example) and a pickle object generated by containing the mentioned statistics of pixels (frequency, mode, ...). - Contains function for calculating statistics of image pixels. The function is used by to generate pickle object for model.
The name is self-explanatory. My images were in 'original_gt/low' directory. 'original_gt/high' directory contains the images after manual enhancement as ground truth. However, only the brightness, contrast, etc values were used. The images themselves are not given to the neural net model. -
This JSON is generated using jupyter_image_editor. The mentioned project jupyter notebook lets you edit the images with the necessary parameters required by the model and generate the JSON.
First clone this repository.
git clone
To use the web gui for inference and image enhancement just run
Now go to: