
Can't see my model in the CMS.

Closed this issue · 1 comments


My model doesn't show in the dashboard and top/left menu. I created my model in app/models/

Filename: Pogo.php (random name)


class Pogo extends Monarkee\Bumble\Models\BumbleModel{

    public $showInTopNav = true;
    public $invisible = false;
    public $description = 'Pages for the different sections of the website';
    public $editingTitle = 'slug';

    public function setFields(){
        return new Fieldset([
                new TextField('title'),
                new SlugField('slug', ['set_from' => 'title']),
                new TextareaField('content', [
                    'rows' => 6 // The number of rows the textarea should have

& congratz with your daugther :P cheers! (twitter)

Thank you! She's great.

Your setFields() method goes in its own PogoAdmin class. You can check out the process here: