
Can't change Autotools finished directory

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hi there,

On my docker host I have a directory called "rtorrent-data" which has a "downloads" and "complete" directory beneath it. In my docker-compose.yml file, I have that volume mapped like so:

      - /rtorrent-data:/data
      - /rtorrent-config:/config

In ruTorrent, when I go to change the "path to finished downloads" to "/data/complete", I cannot change it from "/data/downloads/".

Screen Shot 2020-03-29 at 10 04 09

I can confirm that the "/data/complete" folder does exist inside the container and has the same permissions as "/data/downloads"

You have 2 solutions

  • first change directory.default.set = /data in your .rtorrent.rc
  • or create the /data/downloads/complete folder

Thanks for the quick reply. I followed the first step and also deleted the .rtorrent and session folders. It didn't seem to change anything.

I'd really like to keep the downloads and complete folder separate

I undertand but i can do nothing.

You can change your rtorrent.rc see:
Or open a issue on rutorrent repository.