
AddressBook: new address book entry container

coneiric opened this issue · 5 comments

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Add a container class for individual address book entry (host-address) pairs.

Will create an interface for passing individual references or collections to/from AddressBook. New class will be similar to AddressBookEntry, generalized to be useful in more contexts.

similar to

If you're going to use public private class access modifiers and not treat the class as a POD type, then use as class and not a struct.

not treat the class as a POD type

I'm not opposed to treating it as a POD type. That would make porting easier, IIUC.
For simple classes/structs like this, is that a better general design?

is that a better general design?

Basic C++. Lookup what POD means.

what POD means

Right, I was more asking about if it was worth it to convert AddressBook::Entry to a POD type.

Short answer: no.

Tried some unfruitful experiments, and it's just cleaner as a class. It just looked too heavy with the extra code to convert kovri::core::IdentHash + std::string to trivial types (and back).

Added a couple move constructors (for creating entries in different contexts), and it should be PR-ready early next week. FWIW, class definition in the topic branch is here:

Resolved in #852.