
Use constant-time comparison to avoid key timing attacks

anonimal opened this issue · 1 comments

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I should've opened this sooner but the fact remains the same: there are handful of areas which should use constant-time comparison in order to prevent key timing attacks (don't use std::memcmp). One of them being Tag which houses various sensitive crypto structures in AES/HMAC and identity. Constant-time was resolved in #153 for ed25519 but needs to be applied globally.

A quick check also shows that TunnelEndpoint::HandleDecryptedTunnelDataMsg() could be potentially vulnerable from a remote standpoint, as could I2NP's HandleBuildRequestRecords(). The list goes on, but basically any std::memcmp that is crypto-related and/or private-key related (which is 75% of all std::memcmp instances).

I intend to use CryptoPP::VerifyBufsEqual() which is designed to solve this issue. This function won't work out of the box with Tag's < comparator operator though, so that particular solution is TBD.

2018-06-29 00:04:03     @anonimal       I was waiting for #909 to get merged before fixing #895 because nacl has a constant-time comparator.
2018-06-29 00:05:23     @anonimal       but iirc it's only "null or not null" and doesn't return values like memcmp, which would be needed for < or >

s/not null/-1/ and we're limited by crypto++'s naclite to only 16 and 32 byte sized buffers.

I had messaged @noloader a few weeks ago asking for the possibility of a memcmp-like constant-time equivalent but have heard no response.

If I don't hear back soon, I'll move on the VerifyBufsEqual() solution and add a TODO to implement the rest.