
'kovri -h' prints 3 error lines at end of output

Wuodan opened this issue · 3 comments

By submitting this issue, I confirm the following:

  • I have read and understood the developer guide in kovri-docs.
  • I have checked that the issue I am reporting can be replicated or that the feature I am suggesting is not present.
  • I have checked opened or recently closed pull requests for existing solutions/implementations to my issue/suggestion.

Here's my output:

[2018-06-12 01:10:03.077251] [0x000072484dc80780] [info]

--host arg (=
-p [ --port ] arg (=0)
--data-dir path (=/root/.kovri)
-s [ --service ] arg
-d [ --enable-daemon ]
--log-level arg (=3)
--log-file-name path
-c [ --kovriconf ] path
-t [ --tunnelsconf ] path

-b [ --bandwidth ] arg (=L)
-r [ --reseed-from ] arg

--httpproxyport arg (=4446)
--httpproxyaddress arg (=
--socksproxyport arg (=4447)
--socksproxyaddress arg (=
--proxykeys arg
--i2pcontrolport arg (=0)
--i2pcontroladdress arg (=
--i2pcontrolpassword arg (=itoopie)

[2018-06-12 01:10:03.077350] [0x000072484dc80780] [error] Configuration: standard exception: 'for more details, see user-guide or config file'
[2018-06-12 01:10:03.077365] [0x000072484dc80780] [error] Instance: standard exception: 'for more details, see user-guide or config file'
[2018-06-12 01:10:03.077383] [0x000072484dc80780] [error] DaemonSingleton: Configure: standard exception: 'for more details, see user-guide or config file'

From IRC:
Those are just ctor function try blocks throwing because a real option was called. Help is thrown in with any invalid command, that could be cleaned up

Those are just ctor function try blocks throwing because a real option was called. Help is thrown in with any invalid command, that could be cleaned up

Yes, but I typo'd: s/real option was called/real option was not called/ and s/Help is thrown/Help is not thrown/.

Note: a simple fix isn't so simple because this library is becoming more geared to being a library than an app. If the app were handling boost.program_options, the fix would be trivial. I'm not sure yet if this should even be "fixed", though the extra logging is annoying.

#902 should patch for now.