
Question on totalSize function

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While adding documentation I stumbled upon the function totalSize in Admin.hs:

totalSize :: MonadIO m => Collection -> Action m Int
totalSize coll = do
    x <- storageSize coll
    xs <- mapM isize =<< getIndexes coll
    return (foldl (+) x xs)
    isize idx = at "storageSize" `liftM` collectionStats (coll `T.append` ".$" `T.append` at "name" idx)

The function sums the storage size of a collection with the (separately computed) sizes of its indices. What is strange to me is that collectionStats is called on things that are not collections, but indices.

Why not just using the totalIndexSize function (defined just above totalSize) i.e. something like:

totalSize coll = liftM2 (+) (storageSize coll) (totalIndexSize coll)

It definitely looks suspicious. However since this is part of public API I would refrain from modifying this method's behavior even though it seems broken.