
oplogs was lost in the last 5 days

q96456 opened this issue · 1 comments

[1.primary oplog store 1year data,and last 5 day lost
2.all secondarys can‘t get oplog from primary,then rollback

the problem time is 2020-09-01T 08:03

It is a percona-mongo-release v3.4.21-2.19 instance, which is built with rocksdb-5.7.3.
After some investigation to a problematic db instance, we found some sst-files are corrupted, some sst files in Ln(n>0) have overlapped ranges. which canbe related to facebook/rocksdb#2843 and referring issues.

It's suggested to build with rocksdb5.18.3, the latest and most stable version of rocksdb-5.x series.

This issue will be closed when all above is proven in production.